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Полная версия этой страницы: Коцерт в Париже(2008)
> The Offspring > Концерты
Кто-то софициала был на этом концерте и опубликовал сетлист!(это круто!)
Bad Habit
All I want
Come Out and Play
Gone Away
Have you ever
Staring at the sun
Trust in You
Gotta get away
Want you bad
You're gonna go far, kid
Why don't you get a job
Pretty fly
What happened to you?
The kids aren't alright

Can't get my head around you
Self Esteem
что-то какт не верится!!! Слишком уж круто, чтобы быть правдой))
все закупемся и в паришь
Цитата(Donny @ 11.06.2008, 09:13) *
что-то какт не верится!!! Слишком уж круто, чтобы быть правдой

Во-во... Beheaded и Session они уже хер знает сколько не играли.
на крупных концертах ваще не играли..посл раз наверное в Торонто в 93-м)
Session в 2000 в Манчестере играли,а Beheaded в 97 играли-St.Paul по-моему.

Хоть не Париж,а Трабендо,но пусть будет в этой теме

Gotta Get Away - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8iwec_ge2A
Trust In You - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXve6WP7Di4
Staring At The Sun - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59HSxR9OXPQ
Have You Ever - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LajJBaqWceA
Hammerhead - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgDKXK1gPps
Come Out And Play - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz4JtVI_cEQ
Bad Habit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9S2C2txvV0

Информация с концерта в Трабендо(У Грега родился четвёртый badass motherfucker!)

Tijs is probably still on his train (dropped him off at the train station an hour ago or so), so lets go with what I remember:

Random backstage offspring info:
-Greg actually arrived at the airport bit before 7pm, that's why the show started at like 8.45 instead of 8 I guess. Playing with a jetlag. Mighty Greg.
-The show was first going to be held in Amsterdam, but they couldn't find a good date for it
-Warren will play with the offspring till they don't want him anymore.
-When waiting to go backstage. Saw some guy and girl waiting there too. Tijs goes: you two from france? Guy: no from Hungary. Me: you're oxy? He: Yeah, how do you know?

Soundcheck info:
- While we were waiting outside to enter, they were soundchecking. Since it's a tiny venue you could hear the sound. They played million miles away and session

Random quotes/funny moments during the show (writing from memory so brief and not the exact words they used):
-Noodles: Lets play some old shit, like stuff from ten years ago. That's like ixnay or so. Here's a song oxygene wrote for us, he's somewhere in the crowd *starts beheaded*
-Noodles: Now here's a song Pete wrote for us. Dexter: Yeah, super nice of him, he wasn't even in the band back them, but he knew he would be one day. *Pete starts come out and play*
-Noodles: here's a song Warren wrote for us...
-That went on with a bunch of songs, he named the guitar tech/sound guy etc.
-Until What Happened to you: That one Noodles thought was one of their best cause he wrote it.
-Before Self Esteem, Noodles "now we played so many songs and we've finally arrived at a song Dexter wrote. Not one of our best obviously, since it's not ska."
-Dexter: I'm just here for the avril lavigne concert (she was playing at the same time at the Zenith, which is basically right next to Trabendo)
-A guy runs up on stage (during trust in you i think) whispers (i hope) something in Dexter's ear. Dexter: Well, uh, did I just got kissed by a 14 year old boy
-Dexter: It's fucking hot in here. Noodles: Lets all shower together
-Dexter: Greg K just had a baby 2 days ago. Noodles: I can't see it anymore.
-Pete does that new drum outro to Gone Away, Greg has a WTF look. Dexter looks at him, that's what we do now.
-You're gonna go far , kid. Dexter: you'll really like that if you hear it a couple times
-Dexter says something. Noodles isn't paying attention. Dexter goes all emoes.
-Dexter: wow we're playing long tonight, normally we play like 45 mins. Noodles: yeah not easy for us , we're getting old!
-Noodles: Man someone just told me I looked like (can't remember name) with my long hair. Don't say that too me that guy is like 103 years old. Can't you compare me to someone of my own age like Iggy Pop or something.
-the whole normal things, like that was great etc

Random Paris info:
-Bloody warm during the day, fucking cold at 3-7 am
-Has 6 Mcdonalds in a pretty close range
-Shitload of homeless people who take a random shit on the stairs
-Don't try to get a hotel room in the middle of the night, cause you won't find one you can afford

Random Tijs info:
-Tijs can't type on a French azerty keyboard

Anyway gonna take a bath now. Feeling dirty and tired.

By Jesus
Траст ин ю решил посмотреть - они че, бухие? Это ужас какой-то. Дексу пора на пенсию. Он лажает пипец как. Да и Нудлс соло хер знает как сыграл.
жеееееееесть!! ваще в ноты не попадает...
с таким пузом надо грайндкор петь icon_lol.gif
Чё к дядькам пристали! icon_lol.gif Будет Вам по сорокету с лишним поймете как беситься,петь и в ноты попадать одновременно. brows.gif
а кто там бесился?
уважаемые,мы просто забыли что такое бесится http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih4GdG76HjI вот ссылочка на отрывок из выступления DTH на рок аем ринге у солиста сломана ногоа,а он похлещще здорового декса зажигает,прошу обратить внимание что DTH на несколько лет старше спрингов!
Цитата(Russian-offspringer @ 18.06.2008, 04:34) *
а кто там бесился?

Это я обобщил....я не имел ввиду конкретное выступление.
Просто чем старше тем сложнее выполнять задачи которые в юности казались обычными и заурядными.
Хотя Нудлз еще прыгает как-то icon_lol.gif Молодец!
Достаточно посмотреть на игги мать его попа...он при смерти будет, все равно зажгет))
*представел сибе как брайн режет грудь бутылкой!*
а грег голый носится по залу
*представел сибе как брайн режет грудь бутылкой!*

ага. под лот лайк ми...твой крик из зала : Убейся с этой песней...и он режет себя бутылкой)))
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